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November 1, 2023 11:13 am

i hope these people can speak to us often. he said the false orions body jump, but as we learned recently, they are bonified vampires without souls. so what is jumping? the brain? are they getting lobotomies? it is interesting that this AI machine god(s) and vampirism is so connected. it would also be likely that the draco are mainly vampires, which makes sense because of the carnage, not just the energy vamping. so it also suggest that the space nazis are also vamps. it was said by someone that the habibi (oddly, a new girl at our school, her name is actually habibi, from afghanistan.) are infected with AI junk. could this be an AI unrelated to the vamp AI, yet still similar because of the energy harvesting? or are the habibs also soulless vamps? we knew vamps were a significant thing, but until recently, it was just an oddity. now jesus gonzales is hiding out from his vamping oversoul and the whole pantheon turns out to be a nest of blood fiends. it makes me wonder about a recent viral video (pun not lost) of a false orion/vamp looking “monster” found encased in ice. the video looks fully set up, but perhaps the body is the real deal.

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