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Susan Claudino-Aguilar
Susan Claudino-Aguilar
December 8, 2023 6:38 am

Brilliant! Thanks Chris, Bjorn and Creum (spelling? Apologies if I butchered it)
While I understand the need to keep these talks in the subscription format there’s so much beneficial information to be shared.
Well done gentleman! Another fantastic discussion.

December 24, 2023 9:55 am

that was a krom sized load of great info! things are coming together for our perspectives.
if these crystal stone technologies can program matter, water, ice and weather, it must have an AI type of programming, also through which the arc forge can connect. perhaps like the holographic computer system like in iron man’s house.
also, it is weird that it works. the ‘earth mother’ seems to be bypassed in this system? like someone is controlling her body.
and from now on, i’m calling enlil, Landfill.

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