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Susan Claudino-Aguilar
Susan Claudino-Aguilar
December 9, 2023 9:42 pm

Wow! This was another incredible Q&A and for not having any planned topics you guys are discussing some fascinating subjects. I love it and just as with the previous shows, I was disappointed when it concluded lol! No worries though because I know/feel all future shows will continue with this easy and genuine flow. I’m loving the direction these talks are going in. Great work everyone! Thanks Elaina, Joanna, Bjorn and Chris. Love and appreciation to you all!
(Side note, I’m feeling a connection to Elaina so I’ll have to remember to ask you about that the next time we talk 🥰)

January 3, 2024 8:45 am

very nice.
so it would be wise of us to develop the use of using oral toning, but chants and mantras, i’m not sure what is meant here. i think of maybe ancient hindi or native american shamans doing that, but i’ve no idea what they are even saying.
anyway, lots of appreciated discussions here

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