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Susan Claudino-Aguilar
Susan Claudino-Aguilar
March 1, 2024 6:42 pm

Living in So Cal and visiting Vegas frequently, I found this discussion VERY interesting!
Thank you Elaina, Chris and Bjorn! SO much love to all of you! These discussions are incredibly important and provide a TON of insight and information. You guys are doing a phenomenal job. Well done!!!

Ivan Jimenez
Ivan Jimenez
March 3, 2024 10:02 am

Scientology starting at 58 min.

Ivan Jimenez
Ivan Jimenez
March 3, 2024 8:46 pm

@Bjorn re: Request for comments.
I have been a client of Jacobs for a little over 3 years. I also consider myself a Scientologist as I have benefited from my Scientology studies. As a young man, I was semi-autistic and Scientology helped me break out of my shell and live a more fulfilling life. True I have never studied the higher-level materials that South Park mentions but I have studied (over 10 books and a 100 lectures) that are publicly available. This is what I know:
A. Clear Body, clear mind. — This is the concept that a body free of toxins helps you think clearly and prevent addiction as drugs can accumulate in your fat tissue and trigger addictive patterns. For this, the CoS offers a sauna and vitamin-intensive purification program.
B. Learning how to learn. This concept explores the barriers to understanding and explores the concept of a misunderstood word. It is believed in Scientology that a single misinterpreted word in a field of study can throw off the understanding of the whole subject and force you to give up your studies. I have successfully used this technology in my college studies.
C. Mind, body, spirit. The concept that you are a soul that has a mind (memory and learned patterns) and drives a body.
D. The reactive mind. This is the concept that your mind carries negative memories and emotions that affect your self-determinism.
E. 2 rules for happy living. 1) Be able to experience everything. 2) Create effects that are easily experienced by others. This means that if you can experience everything nothing can traumatize you. And the corollary that helps others. For example, good music is easy to listen to compared to noise that is not easy to experience. BTW art is a high level of communication.
F. The way out is the way through. This is the concept that you can overcome any trauma by fully experiencing it.
G. KRC (Knowlege, control and responsability) – ARC (Affivity, Reality and Communication).
H. The overt-motivator sequence – This is the concept that if you do wrong you will continue to do wrong to justify that your wrongdoing was right. The only way to break from this sequence is to confront that you did the wrongdoing and repair the damage.
The above are just some of the concepts I learned from Scientology. In fact, the reason I determined that Jacobs was legit is because of Scientology. Because, Hubbard said that the best people have a sense of humor and can play the game of life with zest. Being serious equals being solid and a spirit is the most intangible thing there is. When I saw Jacobs joking around with the forest people and he mentioned that that’s exactly how you know they are benevolent I knew that Jacobs was the real thing. This is just a sample of the things I learned in Scientology.
I want to clarify that Scientology has nothing against psychology. The CoS opposes Psychiatry because they view man as a soulless bio-chemical machine (aka transhumanism) and their treatments are extremely harmful (e.g. lobotomies and electroshock). I also want to mention that very few people reach the higher levels (maybe 2 or 3%) and most people do the basics and move along with their lives. There is too much to talk about here and there is much I don’t know. But I still would recommend the study of Scientology as I find it extremely beneficial. I don’t know if this takes you into a dark path but most people seem to rip the benefits and get out when it no longer servers.

Ivan Jimenez
Ivan Jimenez
March 3, 2024 8:58 pm
Reply to  Ivan Jimenez

About Hubbard, there is a disconnection because he is an amazing creative writer who wrote Westerns, Fantasies, horror, and Romance. Before he died he wrote the 10 books of Mission Earth. Mission Earth gives insight into the machinations of evil as it was written from the POV of the bad guy who was fighting and losing to the good guy. The bad guy never understood the good guy or his intentions and he was a miserable sad soul. No one can be so creative and be as evil as this video describes.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ivan Jimenez
Ivan Jimenez
Ivan Jimenez
March 3, 2024 9:31 pm
Reply to  Ivan Jimenez

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