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galactic interstellar council
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Note: Any verbiage that includes ascension, ascending into 5D, the Great Reset, the Great Awakening, the “Event”, Qanon, dates for “Full Disclosure”, Cabal Mass Arrests, etc., are aspects of Cabalist/Orion/Martian German/Draconian/“New Age/CIA” propaganda and will not appear on this site any longer. The only exceptions being older episodes of Galactic Interstellar Council and The Lifting, and of course newer episodes explaining the aspects of the propaganda itself.
All old topics, as well as topics people consider to be “old hat”, or “known in their entirety” publicly, will be re-vetted and revisited by us here at the Galactic Interstellar Council and The Lifting crew.
The current channelings done on this site, or its sister site,, have been rigorously and/or intuitively vetted for their authenticity, as well as for disguised conflicting agendas, malevolent, and/or otherwise.
(We do not give in to the concept that we refer to as “the Yield”. Whereas truth is mixed with a bit of lies and melded into a narrative. (I.E. Qanon = “Where we go one, we go all/JFK Jr. returns”. Yes, where we go one, we go all, but JFK Jr. is NEVER and I mean NEVER returning. Niether is Princess Diana.) You all get the point we are making. Do not throw the baby out with the bath water simply because a lie was mixed with the basic truth that we are all one.)
This does not negate the accurate information presented within those older episodes, nor does it negate the fact that truth was stated amongst said propaganda. Using these “New Age” verbiages and concepts were not only vastly different from true metaphysical concepts, but were used at a time that we here at the Galactic Interstellar Council and The Lifting crew were not fully up to date on the information presented. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy a world of information without glass ceilings.
– the Galactic Interstellar Council and The Lifting Crew