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Susan Claudino-Aguilar
Susan Claudino-Aguilar
May 12, 2023 2:44 am

Off topic, but I am LOVING the progression of the website! Looking great!!!

Susan Claudino-Aguilar
Susan Claudino-Aguilar
May 12, 2023 2:43 am

These discussions keep getting better and better! There is so much information packed into these shows I need to listen more than once to absorb it all. Thank you JoAnna, Chris, Bjorn, Valiant Thor and lovely Idaris. Blessings, love and appreciate to you all!

Onick Quickwhirl
Onick Quickwhirl
May 15, 2023 9:02 pm

Hello everyone! Very interesting info.

June 11, 2023 12:47 pm

mind blown again. these days, you can’t just do one listen. the info keeps getting more detailed and bringing us a clearer picture of what life is really like. it’s just so unfortunate that such a slow progression out of the proverbial matrix is needed for the masses. sometimes you wonder if it’s worth it, since parents and schools are shoving injection after injection, 5g devices and fake foods down their offsprings’ throats. but really, there’s plenty of populations where this isn’t happening so much. cambodia. pakistan for example. they might be the only ones intelligent enough to come out of the mental mini box, simply because their bodies are working.

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