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June 11, 2023 12:59 pm

BTW that’s a nice 3d modeling of a viking dude. i’ve used Blender quite a bit before and would only been able to create that axe, given many hours, at the height of my skill. which is all thoroughly forgotten by now lol.

June 12, 2023 2:13 pm

i had the the asgardian drwaves as the manufacturers of the ark. but why would they think it was a good idea to make it? i guess hubris.
but i was wondering, could it be possible that the jin are somehow linked to or created by the the ark itself. solomon, the jin, the powers of raw creation and the ark. i don’t know, maybe these genies are somehow related. and then, genes, genie, Gene? literally as soon as i had thought about this, you said Gene roddenberry.
and for some reason, the world of wheels is a hub origin of this tech, and it is a dimensional world seated like a key within ours. then you also have the bifrost. which came first, the ark or the bifrost? i feel all are linked thru the ark back to the world of wheels. maybe even the earth is like a planetary manifestation of the ark which is why it links to the superomni. we have the ark of convenant and noahs ark, enlil being behind both stories. an ark is a carrier of a world. and then why is covenant a coven of ants? that one might be a bit far off, lol, but why? language is a dimensional manifestation, like writing on the wall. plus, world engines?? what planet actually has world engines?? is scotty going to fire them up? give us more power? warm up some crystals?
anyway, totally epic convo here. things are getting bizarre and i like it that way.

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