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February 25, 2023 10:36 am

Oooo we can leave comments!! lol never knew. also, another funny moment of mine; this is the first time I’ve noticed the Galactic History (talk with Galactics) tab of videos. lovely. sharp as ever. well I have a lot of listening to do.
also, I was hoping you might comment on the recent train wreck in Ohio in early February and it’s obvious chemical hazard to a large area. some people say the later “shoot downs” of balloons were also a distraction to the obvious media blackout on the Ohio crash. there was a Netflix movie a year or so ago featuring a biohazard train crash in that very town lo and behold.

March 23, 2023 12:36 am

lol yeah, i’ve had my lengthy comments go down the bowl because of software screwups. ive taken to copying them before hitting the button lol. so interesting. i wonder if that movie was the henchmen way of giving a warning. ‘we told you to get out of town because of a nasty train crash! we made a movie!’ i suppose a type of karma dodge.
yeah i totally agree. if it floats up into view on it’s own, it’s narrative. not making a pun about balloons.

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